Author: Maria Alejandra Ruiz – Data Engineer
AI and creativity: Friends or foes?
Recent advances in the field of Inteligencia Artificial have sparked a great deal of interest in “creative AI,” as it is called. While it is well known that IA technology is revolutionising various fields of work, at this time, it has been growing in its influence on creative activities and artistic creation. This article aims to show how IA can enhance creativity and whether partnering with algorithms can help harness the full potential of human creativity through a case study on the application of machine learning techniques in art.

“More help than hurt” news in 1962 about human and computers interaction taken from https://twitter.com/PessimistsArc/status/1637793251720675329/photo/1
The case study
The case examines how incorporating machine learning into an artist’s toolkit affects their creative processes and highlights inventive interactions between artists and their machine-learning tools. It was found that to utilise the generative potential of AI and produce art; artists had to learn new techniques and modify their creative processes. In addition, these new activities and skills involved a change in conventional norms and creative procedures in both agents.
Machine learning models are made to recognise links and patterns in data and use knowledge to produce new and distinctive content. These models can be used to create new visual artworks, as well as new musical compositions, fashion collections, and other types of art.
Many artists’ creative processes are significantly impacted by the use of automatic learning models, which can disrupt or continue previous creative processes. These changes are more apparent in restructuring the creative flow around the generative process, the conceptual shifts around the inherent qualities of the outcomes of automatic learning, and the development of artists’ experience.
By analysing how artists, designers, and musicians use machine learning, we can better understand the various implications of Inteligencia Artificial. These implications range from automation to complementarity and relate to a fundamental aspect of human life: creativity. By exploring these professionals’ engagement with IA, it is hoped to gain a broader view of how this technology impacts the creative realm and how it can be used beneficially in the future.
The synergy between art, design and AI
“AI art” refers to images and artistic works produced with Inteligencia Artificial. AI analyses these compositions and reinterprets them to create new works based on established rules and cues provided by users from vast amounts of artistic data and information that have been created throughout human history. The production of art through AI has become a powerful and persuasive tool for anyone interested in bringing their wildest ideas to life thanks to its processing capabilities, ability to create variations and the complexity of the details of the images. (1)
This is an exciting space because there is a wide field of people within it. We can find scientists and engineers who work with AI, there are engineers with artistic training who work as scientists, and finally, we have artists who also have some technical training, but their primary means of expression is art.
AI creativity depends on the human being?
As humans must design algorithms and programs in order to create and train AI models, the creativity and artistry of Inteligencia Artificial are greatly dependent on human intervention. Also, in order for the IA to produce artistic works, precise data and instructions must be provided. In conclusion, IA cannot produce art on its own; rather, it depends on human contribution to the development of tools and the provision of information for the production of new artistic works.
According to April Youngok Kim, artist and associate professor at Myongji University, in a session on “The Future of Art and Design with AI” at Nvidia’s GTC 2023 event, when she first used generative AI like Meet Journey and Dali, she was blown away. It was no longer just a tool but the best collaboration she had ever had.
-Read our article: AI creative implementations: Nvidia GTC 2023 –
The most amazing (for her) was that the final lines of the images the AI created were very similar to the images in her original existing paintings.
It was then that she realised that the images she was thinking of were her creations or a combination of everything that inspires her, including her favourite artists and art forms.
She felt more like a producer than a creator. She is also very grateful that generative AI has pushed the boundaries of what we can create, especially when one feels stuck and opens up new possibilities. (2)
April’s work : http://cocolove1105.dothome.co.kr/index.php/nft_gif-animated-works-_ongoing-project/
“Non-artists can also create art with their imagination. It changed the concept and boundaries of contemporary art”
April Youngok kim
IA Generativa has created a new visual language, but traditional artwork and artists will always be appreciated. Handmade objects will become even more prominent as the combination of IA Generativa and drawn animation shows.
So, are AI and creativity: Friends or foes? Ultimately, we conclude that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise the way we conceive and consume cultural products radically. This technology allows us to personalise our experiences, which could lead to a world where the line between real images and those generated by IA becomes blurred.
However, we must be aware of the potential benefits and challenges that this technology brings, as well as its impact globally. IA enables people to tackle previously unattainable challenges, such as creating personalised stories and picture books. At the same time, it also fosters an artistic culture that is more diverse and respectful of minority tastes.
It is critical to consider how IA can change the way we consume and produce art and culture. We must be prepared to embrace the opportunities it offers while ensuring that we adequately address the ethical and social challenges that may arise.
IA ultimately has the power to transform our cultural world in significant ways, and it is everyone’s responsibility to understand and guide this change responsibly and ethically.
Stan Lee homage: https://giantmonster.co/2019/02/28/stan-lee-homage/
- Zureikat, S. (2023, January 30). AI art vs. human art: What AI reveals about creativity. FromLight2Art. https://fromlight2art.com/ai-art-vs-human-art/?cookie-state-change=1680119854535
- Attendee portal (n/d). Nvidia.com. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://register.nvidia.com/flow/nvidia/gtcspring2023/attendeeportal/page/sessioncatalog/session/1669929697102001pAKQ.
- Vetrov, Y. (2017, January 3). Algorithm-driven design: How artificial intelligence is changing design. Smashing Magazine. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/01/algorithm-driven-design-how-artificial-intelligence-changing-design/

M. Alejandra Ruiz – Data Engineer