Let’s build out-of-this-world solutions
Think about how you want to change your business. While we recognise that not everyone shares the same immediate business priorities, our expertise will help you focus on your goals and solve them most transparently and efficiently with Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
Use AI power to amplify human capabilities, eliminate repetitive and manual tasks, enable accurate & unbiased decision-making, and generate additional revenue through our services.
We have three services to create the best Equinox Solutions
We develop user-centric AI and Data Science solutions improving efficiency and enhance human potential with our AI4UX methodology.
We offer personalised guidance to help you build a tailored roadmap for successful AI and Data Science integration within your business.
Unleash the power of automation with our service. Take control of your processes, minimise errors, and unlock new levels of efficiency.
The combination of AI & Design generates a creative bypass to solve challenging problems and build Equinox solutions
Throughout our experience, we have realised that doing science (Data Science & AI) without purpose does not fully solve the problems businesses face. Therefore, leveraging our capabilities with Design Thinking to integrate other knowledge areas to solve the most complex challenges creatively is necessary.
Combining Science (AI & Data Science) + Design makes us different
Better skilled workers
Higher levels of team work
Business process re-design
New decisions rights
Let’s learn together
” Never abandon a theory that explains something until you have a theory that explains more.”
John McCarthy, organizer of Dartmouth conference which is known as the birthplace of AI